Male cosmetic surgery is on the rise. Dr. Carlos Castaneda of Cosmed Clinic has put together a list of most common surgeries requested by men to help you better understand what these surgeries are.
Men and plastic surgery in Tijuana is a topic that we have recently gotten a lot of interests and questions about. There are many different types of plastic surgery procedures available for men. CosMed Clinic’s Dr. Carlos Castaneda has put together a list of the most commonly requested male cosmetic surgeries and what kinds of results you can expect with each.
Abdominal Etching (High-Definition Liposculpture, 6-pack Liposculpture, Chiseled Abdomen): All these terms refer to creating an athletic looking abdomen by enhancing the appearance of the rectus abdominis muscles by sculpting them with liposuction or ultrasonic liposuction. To maintain a natural appearance, these procedures are usually preformed on the normal creases of the abdominal musculature. Similar procedures are also performed on the chest areas to make a man’s chest and pecs more defined.
Hair Restoration (micro follicular hair transplant, hair transplant, single follicular unit hair restoration): This terms refer to taking the patients own hair follicles from the occipital area of the scalp, because this area is not affected by the hormonal stimuli that causes male pattern hair loss, this can be done taking a strip of scalp and separating it into single follicular units and then transplanting them to the bald areas or with a micro punch technique which requires no incisions, just harvesting each follicular unit at a time and transplanting them to the desired areas.
Male eyelid surgery (male eyelid lift, male facial rejuvenation): In the case of men and plastic surgery, facial lifts must be very subtle because making big changes is usually not what aging men want. It is important to create natural results that will improve and maintain a masculine youthfulness for male patients without being obvious.
Calf augmentation (calf implants): For some men calves are noticeably thin even in people that work out a lot,
this is a common procedure to correct hypotrophic musculature on the lower legs and get a more balanced body shape overall.
Penile enlargement (penile girth enhancement, penile elongation, suspensory ligament release, pubic liposuction): Girth enhancement and enlargement can be accomplished by injecting fat onto the penile shaft to make it thicker. To lengthen the penis the suspensory ligament can be released so the penis hangs lower. In some cases liposuction of the pubic area can also make it look longer by extracting the excess fat volume from the base of the penile shaft.
Male rhinoplasty (Nose Jobs): In men we always try to keep a masculine look. Good surgeons, who understand men and plastic surgery, will always take into account the rest of the patient’s face so that it’s in proportion to the nose that they are shaping.
Gynecomastia (male breast reduction, Gynecomastia reduction, chest liposuction, chest reduction): Gynecomastia refers to a condition in which the male breast tissue enlarges usually because of hormonal changes or weight gain. The excess volume is composed of fat and glandular tissue. In cases where fat is the main component, usually liposuction is enough to reduce it. However, when there’s a high gland component, liposuction is first recommended to take as much excess fat as possible and then a small periareolar incision is made to extract the glandular tissue, which may sometime leave a small subtle mark. On extreme cases where excess skin is an issue, a breast lift would be needed.
Male butt augmentation (male fat transfer to buttocks, male Brazilian buttlift, Male butt-lift): This can be accomplished through injecting the patient’s own fat into the buttock area to give it more volume, correct asymmetries or enhance the shape and feel of it.
For more information about plastic surgery in Tijuana for men, contact CosMed by filling out the form here.
Do you have a question relating to men and plastic surgery ? Ask our expert surgeon, Dr. Carlos E. Castañeda, M.D. . Dr. Castneda is a Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeon experienced in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Dr. Castañeda graduated at the top of his class from the University of Baja California and is board certified by the Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (CMCPER) and is a member of the Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (AMCPER).