Abdominal Etching FAQ
What is Ab Etching?
Abdominal etching or abdominal liposculpture is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to help people obtain defined abs and an athletic waist contour. It is one of the many body contour services offered at CosMed Clinic and is becoming increasingly popular because of its high success rate and relatively low or no complication.
This form of detailed liposculpting creates indentations to achieve the six-pack or washboard stomach appearance by removing fat deposits overlying abdominal muscle. Areas of treatment typically focus on the abdomen, flanks, waist and/or chest to help reveal muscular contours making the abdomen appear tighter, firmer and more muscular.
Minimally Invasive Procedure

Abdominal Etching Before and After Pictures, by Dr. Carlos Castañeda, M.D. of CosMed Clinic in Mexico
Ab etching is performed under regional block anesthesia and i.v. sedation and takes 2 to 3 hours depending on the amount of fat to remove. A number of small incisions (2-3 mm) are made in the abdominal region through which a cannula is inserted to remove excess fat. The incisions are generally made in the belly button and natural folds of the abdomen to minimize the visibility of scars. Fat is removed specifically along the abdominal muscle lines resulting in a sculpted, more defined muscular appearance once the procedure is complete.
Ab Etching can be combined with other liposuction and fat redistribution procedures. For instance, the excess fat removed from abdominal resculpting can be transferred to the buttocks.
So why its increasing popularity, particularly among men? The procedure produces sexy results. We’ll admit it. Well-defined, six-pack abs are just that. Sexy. With it’s minimally invasive nature and short recovery time (about one week), it’s no surprise that this procedure is becoming more routine in our clinic. Patients can expect to return to their full normal physical activities in 3-6weeks looking healthier, toner, and more fit.
Am I a Candidate?
Abdominal etching is performed on both men and women who desire a leaner, chiseled abdominal appearance. Ideal candidates for this procedure should be physically fit and have established abdominal muscle tone with relatively small localized fat deposits in the abdominal area. Normal skin tone and elasticity is also needed to ensure optimal skin retraction after the removal of fat.
To best assess your candidacy, request a free virtual consultation with our CosMed Clinic professionals. The staff and board certified plastic surgeons at CosMed Clinic can assist with all your questions regarding surgery details, costs, and what to expect after your procedure.
If you find that countless hours at the gym aren’t producing the abdominal muscular definition you want, put an end to the chase and explore how the CosMed Clinic can get the dream body you work hard to deserve.
For more information on cosmetic surgery in Mexico, please view our patient resource page.
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About the contributing author:
Dr. Carlos E. Castañeda, M.D. is a Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeon experienced in cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Abdominal Etching is among one of the many body contour procedures Dr. Castañeda specializes in. He graduated at the top of his class from the University of Baja California and is board certified by the Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (CMCPER) and is a member of the Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (AMCPER).