Dr. Francisco Bucio, MD
We understand how important your appearance is. We know how much you value the face you show the world. Why would you entrust your face to anyone but the very best? Meet the man who will help you to get the results you’ve dreamed of, Dr. Francisco Bucio M.D.
Over 25 years’ experience
Since graduating from the México University U.N.A.M in 1982, Dr. Bucio has had a long and distinguished career. Shortly after graduating, he completed a five-year residency training program specializing in plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgeries at México City’s prestigious General Hospital.
Over 25 years’ experience
Since graduating from the México University U.N.A.M in 1982, Dr. Bucio has had a long and distinguished career. Shortly after graduating, he completed a five-year residency training program specializing in plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgeries at México City’s prestigious General Hospital.
He later completed a fellowship in the complex discipline of microsurgery at the Davies Medical Center in San Francisco, California. Since 1989, Dr. Bucio has managed his own private clinic in Tijuana, B.C growing his list of satisfied patients, even as he grows his extensive knowledge in the field.
You may already be familiar with Dr. Bucio from his appearances in the national and international media.
In 1986, Dr. Bucio was involved in a tragic earthquake in México City. Buried under a pile of rubble, he lost four fingers in his dominant right hand. Nonetheless, he did not let this stop him from honoring his obligations to his patients.
After reconstructive microsurgery and a summer of recovery and rehabilitation, Dr. Bucio returned triumphantly to the operating theater. He has completed countless procedures since.
Let’s make your dreams come true together!
There are few in the field who can match Dr. Bucio’s experience, skill, expertise, and dedication. Contact us today and let’s see how we can make your dreams come true!
Contact us at (619) 494-2215 or ️ (664)608-6461, or send us your name, phone number, and pictures to: infodq@vidawellnessandbeauty.com to get started.