Plastic Surgery for Her:
As women age and particularly after having children, the labia often becomes stretched and enlarged
Plastic Surgery for Her:

As women age and particularly after having children, the labia often becomes stretched and enlarged
Excess skin can be uncomfortable and cause women to feel self-conscious in intimate situations. Plastic surgery reduces excess skin, tightens the vaginal area and restores a smooth, youthful appearance to the labia.
Labiaplasty is for women who have a problem with large labia, asymmetric labia or related female genital issues. Labiaplasty permits the reduction of large labia (labia minora and labia majora) to reduce their outward appearance and correct misshapenness or irregularities.

Vaginoplasty—often called vaginal rejuvenation—is another surgical procedure that can help women who’ve had multiple childbirths by offering a surgical remedy to tighten and enhance the sensitivity of the vagina

G spot enhancement creates more fullness to the G spot so you can have a more intense and deeper orgasm. It also allows achieving an orgasm with less difficulty. G spot enhancement is also referred to as the G shot, G spot amplification, or G spot augmentation.
Women find that after G spot enhancement, they are much more aware of their G spot. For women who are already in tuned to their G spot, they notice that it is more sensitive, fulfilling, and orgasms occur easier, more frequently, with less frustration, and are more intense.

Differences between Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgeries
While they do share some similarities, they also have different objectives, similar risks although different potential complications. These procedures have different objectives and different goals.
Surgical techniques
Tights the vaginal canal. The patient might feel their vagina as flaccid and loose.
Improves the patient’s self-esteem and perception. Improving intercourse. Personal satisfaction.
Anterior colporrhaphy, Posterior colporrhaphy and possibly, Perineoplasty.
There’s anatomic damage. Correct bladder and/or rectum prolapse.
Sexual satisfaction might not be involved. The main goal could be clinical improvement and better quality of life as affected by having prolapse of the pelvic floor.
Anterior colporrhaphy with correction of the bladder. Posterior colporrhaphy with correction of the rectum.
Hysterectomy could also be considered if the patients has uterine prolapse
Combining VAGINAL TIGHTENING with an improvement of the aesthetics of the outside of the vulva. (Labia minora, labia majora, clitoris, perineum, hymen.)
Improving self-perception. Improving sexual experience: visual and sensorial.
The goal can also be exclusively aesthetic without involving sexual function.
Anterior colporrhaphy, Posterior colporrhaphy perineoplasty, reduction of the labia minora, removing excess skin in the clitoris area, fat injections in the labia majora, hymen reconstruction.